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Vulnerability management lifecycle explained!

Andrew Robinson |

December 31, 2022
Vulnerability management lifecycle explained!


What is vulnerability lifecycle management?

Vulnerability lifecycle management is the continuous process of identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and neutralizing security weaknesses in an organization's digital assets. It strengthens cyber defenses, minimizes threats, and ensures a strong defense against attacks. Regular scans and assessments unveil potential threats and their impact on critical assets, enabling the development of an effective vulnerability management program. This includes asset inventory, risk ratings, and proactive remediation actions. It's a vital aspect of any robust security program, preemptively tackling security issues before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

Benefits of vulnerability management lifecycle

The Vulnerability Management Lifecycle is a comprehensive approach that helps organizations protect their networks and systems from security threats and ensure compliance with industry regulations. By implementing a vulnerability management program, organizations can effectively identify and prioritize risks, mitigate vulnerabilities, and defend against advanced attacks.

One of the key benefits of the Vulnerability Management Lifecycle is its ability to ensure continuity in business operations. By proactively identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, organizations can minimize the potential impact of security issues on their systems and networks. This helps to prevent business disruptions, downtime, and financial losses.

Furthermore, the Vulnerability Management Lifecycle enables organizations to prioritize risk mitigation efforts. By conducting vulnerability assessments and continuously monitoring the security landscape, organizations can identify critical vulnerabilities that pose the highest risk and prioritize their remediation actions accordingly. This helps organizations allocate their resources effectively and focus on the most critical areas for risk reduction.

Additionally, adhering to industry regulations is essential for organizations to maintain their reputation and avoid legal consequences. The Vulnerability Management Lifecycle assists organizations in remaining compliant with these regulations. By consistently assessing and remediating vulnerabilities, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to security best practices and meet the necessary compliance requirements.

Moreover, the Vulnerability Management Lifecycle enables organizations to defend against advanced attacks. With the threat landscape constantly evolving, organizations face a wide range of cyber threats and bad actors. By implementing a robust vulnerability management program, organizations can stay ahead of these threats by effectively identifying and remediating vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

When it comes to vulnerability management, organizations can rely on expert assistance. Managed security service providers and cybersecurity consulting firms can help organizations develop and implement an effective vulnerability management program. These experts bring the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to help organizations navigate the complexity of vulnerability management and ensure its effectiveness.

In summary, the Vulnerability Management Lifecycle offers numerous benefits to organizations. It helps protect networks and systems, maintain compliance with industry regulations, defend against advanced attacks, ensure continuity in business operations, prioritize risk mitigation efforts, and rely on expert assistance. By implementing an effective vulnerability management program, organizations can enhance their security posture and protect their critical assets.

Phase 1: Discover - asset inventory and analysis

The first phase of the Vulnerability Management Lifecycle is asset inventory and analysis. This crucial step involves identifying all the assets within an organization's network and determining their importance and potential vulnerabilities. It is essential to have an accurate and up-to-date inventory of assets to understand the attack surface and prioritize remediation efforts effectively. By conducting a thorough analysis of the assets, organizations can gain insights into the potential impact of security vulnerabilities and allocate resources accordingly. This phase sets the foundation for an effective vulnerability management program by providing organizations with a comprehensive understanding of their critical assets and the potential threats they face.

Identification of critical assets

Identification of Critical Assets is a crucial step in the vulnerability management lifecycle. It involves the process of identifying and prioritizing assets within an organization based on their significance, criticality, and potential impact on business operations.

Comprehensive asset discovery and classification is essential for maintaining a comprehensive asset inventory. This process involves identifying all assets within an organization's infrastructure, including hardware, software, systems, and applications. By categorizing these assets based on their business impact and risk, organizations can gain a better understanding of their attack surface and prioritize their vulnerability management program effectively.

The risk assessment process helps determine the potential impact of a security vulnerability on critical assets. By evaluating the potential impact, organizations can prioritize their remediation efforts and allocate resources accordingly. This allows security teams to focus on vulnerabilities that pose the greatest threat to business continuity and overall cybersecurity posture.

Threat exposure is another important factor in identifying critical assets. By analyzing the potential threats and their context within the organization's threat landscape, security teams can assess the exposure levels of different assets. This enables them to prioritize mitigation and remediation actions towards assets that are most likely to be targeted by bad actors or exploited by cyber threats.

In conclusion, the identification of critical assets plays a vital role in an organization's vulnerability management lifecycle. Through comprehensive asset discovery, classification based on business impact and risk assessment, and prioritization based on threat exposure, organizations can effectively manage their vulnerabilities and protect their critical components, ensuring the continuity of their business operations.

Potential impact on business operations

In the context of vulnerability management, potential impact on business operations is a crucial consideration for organizations. Identified vulnerabilities, if left unaddressed, can have far-reaching consequences that can disrupt ongoing operations, damage the organization's reputation, and even result in significant financial losses.

One of the risks that arise when vulnerabilities are left unidentified or neglected is the disruption of ongoing operations. Exploiting these vulnerabilities can lead to system outages, data breaches, or unauthorized access, causing operational delays and downtime. This can have a detrimental impact on productivity, customer satisfaction, and revenue generation.

Furthermore, vulnerabilities that are not effectively managed can damage an organization's reputation. In today's interconnected world, news about security breaches and data leaks spreads rapidly. The loss of customer trust due to a breach can lead to a decline in customers, negative publicity, and potential legal ramifications.

Financial losses are another significant risk associated with unaddressed vulnerabilities. Organizations may face financial implications such as regulatory fines, legal expenses, and the costs of remediation and recovery efforts. Additionally, the loss of intellectual property or sensitive customer information can have long-term financial repercussions.

To mitigate these risks, organizations must prioritize their vulnerability management efforts based on the potential impact on business operations. This involves conducting thorough vulnerability assessments, understanding the criticality of assets, and allocating resources to remediate the most severe vulnerabilities first. By prioritizing assets based on their potential impact, organizations can safeguard their business operations, protect their reputation, and mitigate financial risks associated with cybersecurity breaches.

Assessment of current security programs and cyber defenses

In the vulnerability management lifecycle, assessing current security programs and cyber defenses plays a crucial role in ensuring a comprehensive and proactive approach to vulnerability management. This evaluation allows businesses to identify any gaps or weaknesses in their existing security measures, empowering them to take necessary steps to strengthen their defenses.

By assessing current security programs, organizations can gain a clear understanding of their vulnerability management capabilities. This involves evaluating the effectiveness of vulnerability assessments, scanning tools, and the overall vulnerability management process. This assessment helps to identify potential areas of improvement and ensures that security teams are equipped with the necessary resources to address vulnerabilities effectively.

Furthermore, evaluating cyber defenses enables businesses to determine the potential impact of security vulnerabilities on their critical assets. It allows them to assess their exposure levels and risk profile, helping prioritize remediation actions. This assessment helps organizations identify their attack surface and potential threats, including zero-day vulnerabilities and emerging cyber risks.

Taking a proactive approach to vulnerability management involves continuously monitoring and updating security programs to stay ahead of evolving threats. Business units should regularly engage in vulnerability assessments, remediation measures, and ongoing training to ensure a robust vulnerability management lifecycle. This proactive approach helps mitigate the risk of cyber attacks, minimizing the potential impact on business operations and safeguarding digital assets.

In conclusion, assessing current security programs and cyber defenses is essential for businesses to identify any gaps or weaknesses and ensure a comprehensive and proactive approach to vulnerability management. This evaluation allows organizations to strengthen their defenses and protect themselves from potential threats, ultimately safeguarding their critical components and mitigating financial and reputational risks.

Phase 2: Scan - vulnerability scanning and detection

In the vulnerability management lifecycle, the second phase involves vulnerability scanning and detection. Once an organization has assessed its current security programs and identified potential areas of improvement, it is crucial to actively search for vulnerabilities within their systems. Vulnerability scanning tools are used to automate the process of identifying security vulnerabilities across operating systems, applications, and network infrastructure. These scanning tools help security teams uncover potential threats and weaknesses in the organization's attack surface. By conducting regular vulnerability scans, organizations can stay informed about thousands of vulnerabilities that may exist within their systems and take immediate remediation actions. The goal of this phase is to detect and understand the severity of vulnerabilities, enabling organizations to prioritize remediation efforts and effectively manage the potential impact on their critical components and business operations.

Common vulnerabilities, attack surfaces, and operating systems

Common Vulnerabilities, Attack Surfaces, and Operating Systems play a crucial role in the overall security of applications and IT systems. To address the prevalent security challenges, the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) has curated the OWASP Top 10 list of web security vulnerabilities.

The OWASP Top 10 serves as a comprehensive guide, highlighting the most common vulnerabilities that organizations face in their web applications. This list aids security teams in prioritizing their vulnerability management efforts by basing them on well-documented research and reliable data.

These vulnerabilities pertain to the attack surfaces that are the potential entry points for threats to exploit. Attack surfaces encompass all the vulnerable components within an application or system, including the software, hardware, and network interfaces that interact with external entities.

Furthermore, operating systems also play a significant role in the security landscape. As the foundation of any IT infrastructure, operating systems enable the execution of critical business operations and house sensitive digital assets. Understanding the common vulnerabilities associated with various operating systems is crucial for effective vulnerability management.

By identifying and addressing these common vulnerabilities and focusing on securing attack surfaces and operating systems, organizations can enhance their overall cyber defenses and reduce the potential impact of security breaches. A robust vulnerability management program that encompasses continuous monitoring, vulnerability assessments, and timely remediation efforts is the key to mitigating the risks posed by security vulnerabilities.

Thousands of known security vulnerabilities

The occurrence of thousands of known security vulnerabilities presents a significant challenge in the vulnerability management lifecycle. These vulnerabilities pose potential threats to an organization's cyber defenses and can have a severe impact on their risk profile and exposure levels.

Managing such a large number of vulnerabilities can be overwhelming for security teams. It requires a continuous process of vulnerability assessments, remediation efforts, and ongoing monitoring to ensure that critical assets are adequately protected. This ongoing process is crucial since cybersecurity threats are continually evolving, and new vulnerabilities are constantly being discovered.

To detect vulnerabilities effectively, organizations rely on scanning tools. These tools scan networks, systems, and applications to identify potential security vulnerabilities. However, one challenge associated with scanning tools is the occurrence of false positives. False positives refer to instances where a tool detects a vulnerability that is not actually present or identifies a vulnerability as more severe than it is. These false positives can result in wasted time and resources as security teams investigate and remediate issues that do not exist or are not critical.

Despite the challenges involved, managing the thousands of known security vulnerabilities is essential for organizations to enhance their cyber defenses and protect their critical components. By prioritizing remediation actions based on risk ratings and implementing robust vulnerability management processes, organizations can strengthen their security programs and mitigate the potential impact of cyber attacks.

False positives and scanning tools

False positives in vulnerability scanning can present significant challenges in the vulnerability management lifecycle. These false positives occur when a scanning tool mistakenly identifies vulnerabilities that do not actually exist or exaggerates the severity of a vulnerability.

The reliance on scanning tools in vulnerability management makes it crucial to use reliable and accurate tools. False positives can greatly impact the efficacy of remediation efforts. Security teams may waste valuable time and resources investigating and resolving issues that are not legitimate or are not critical. This diverts attention and effort away from addressing actual vulnerabilities that pose a real risk to organizational security.

Accurate detection of vulnerabilities is essential for effective remediation. False positives can undermine the overall vulnerability management process by diluting the focus on severe vulnerabilities. Security teams must be able to prioritize their remediation actions to address the most critical components of their infrastructure, systems, and applications. False positives can lead to an inefficient allocation of resources and potentially expose organizations to unnecessary risks.

To mitigate the impact of false positives, organizations should consider using scanning tools that are known for their reliability and accuracy. This helps in reducing false positives and allows security teams to concentrate their efforts on genuine vulnerabilities, enhancing the overall effectiveness of vulnerability management.

Phase 3: Assess - vulnerability risk assessment

In the vulnerability management lifecycle, phase 3 involves conducting a vulnerability risk assessment. This phase focuses on evaluating the potential impact and severity of identified vulnerabilities. Security teams assess the risk posed by each vulnerability, taking into consideration various factors such as the potential threats, the exposure levels of critical assets, and the threat context in which the organization operates. Risk ratings are assigned to each vulnerability, helping prioritize remediation measures based on the severity of the risk. Vulnerability risk assessments enable organizations to make informed decisions regarding which vulnerabilities to address first, considering their potential impact on business operations and cyber defenses. By conducting a thorough vulnerability risk assessment, organizations can proactively mitigate the risks associated with thousands of vulnerabilities, ensuring that their vulnerability management program is aligned with their overall risk profile and cyber risk tolerance. This phase is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and evaluation to stay ahead of emerging cyber threats and maintain a robust vulnerability management approach.

Evaluation of current cybersecurity threats to business operations

In today's digital landscape, businesses face significant cybersecurity threats that can have a detrimental impact on their operations. One such threat is SQL Injection, a vulnerability that allows attackers to manipulate a website's database, potentially gaining unauthorized access to sensitive information. This can lead to severe consequences such as data breaches and financial losses.

Another vulnerability to be aware of is Cross Site Scripting (XSS), which enables attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by users. By exploiting this vulnerability, hackers can steal sensitive data, spread malware, and even hijack user sessions.

Broken Authentication and Session Management is another critical vulnerability that poses a serious threat. Attackers can exploit flaws in the authentication and session management processes, gaining unauthorized access to user accounts and sensitive information.

Furthermore, Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) and Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities allow attackers to manipulate requests, potentially leading to unauthorized access or manipulation of critical data.

The potential impact of these security vulnerabilities is significant. It includes financial losses, reputational damage, regulatory penalties, and legal liabilities. Therefore, businesses must prioritize vulnerability management to mitigate these risks and safeguard their operations. By identifying and addressing these vulnerabilities proactively, organizations can protect their digital assets and maintain the trust of their customers.

Determination of potential threats based on detected vulnerabilities

In the vulnerability management lifecycle, once vulnerabilities are identified through vulnerability assessments or scanning tools, the next step is to determine the potential threats these vulnerabilities pose. This allows security teams to prioritize their remediation efforts and allocate resources effectively.

One approach to determining potential threats is by utilizing the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). CVSS provides a standardized method of assessing the risk level of each vulnerability based on factors such as the potential impact, exploitability, and complexity of the vulnerability.

By assigning a CVSS score to each vulnerability, security teams can prioritize them based on their risk level. High CVSS scores indicate severe vulnerabilities that pose a significant threat to the organization's security. These vulnerabilities should be addressed with urgency to minimize potential damage.

In contrast, vulnerabilities with lower CVSS scores may still need attention, but the priority may be lower since their potential impact or exploitability is relatively lower.

By prioritizing identified vulnerabilities based on their risk level, security teams can focus their remediation efforts on addressing the most critical threats first. This approach ensures that limited resources are allocated effectively and reduces the organization's exposure to potential cyber attacks.

In summary, by utilizing the Common Vulnerability Scoring System and prioritizing vulnerabilities based on their risk level, businesses can determine potential threats and guide their remediation efforts to effectively manage and mitigate cybersecurity risks. This continuous process of identifying and addressing vulnerabilities is crucial in maintaining robust security posture and protecting critical assets from bad actors.

Critical vulnerabilities requiring immediate action

Critical vulnerabilities are those that require immediate action due to their high potential impact on the organization's security posture. These vulnerabilities pose a significant threat to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical assets and can be exploited by bad actors to compromise the organization's systems and data.

Identifying and addressing these vulnerabilities promptly is crucial to minimize the risk to business operations and digital assets. Delaying remediation efforts can leave systems exposed and vulnerable to cyber attacks, potentially resulting in data breaches, service disruptions, financial loss, and damage to the organization's reputation.

To prioritize the critical vulnerabilities that need immediate attention, security teams evaluate vulnerabilities based on several factors such as the vulnerability's potential for exploitation, its potential impact on business operations, and the complexity of the exploit. By considering these factors, security teams can identify the most severe vulnerabilities that require immediate action.

The top five critical vulnerabilities that pose the highest risk to the organization's security posture should be addressed promptly. These vulnerabilities may include severe weaknesses in critical operating systems, network devices, or popular software applications. Exploitation of these vulnerabilities could lead to unauthorized access, data theft, system compromise, or disruption of essential services.

Addressing these critical vulnerabilities promptly ensures that the organization's cyber defenses are robust and resilient against potential threats. It allows security teams to mitigate the risk of cyber attacks and safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical components and business units.

In summary, identifying and addressing critical vulnerabilities requiring immediate action is essential to minimize risk and protect business operations and digital assets from potential threats. Security teams must prioritize the remediation of these vulnerabilities based on their potential impact and exploitability to ensure effective vulnerability management and continuous protection against cyber risks.

Phase 4: Remediate - remediation efforts

Phase 4 of the vulnerability management lifecycle is Remediation Efforts. This phase involves taking actions to address identified vulnerabilities and minimize the risk they pose to the organization.

One of the first steps in this phase is prioritizing recommendations. Not all vulnerabilities can be addressed simultaneously due to limited resources and time. Security teams need to assess and prioritize vulnerabilities based on factors such as their potential impact on business operations and the likelihood of exploitation.

Once the vulnerabilities have been prioritized, the next step is to design an action plan. This plan outlines the steps and resources required to remediate the vulnerabilities. It helps ensure that the necessary actions are taken in a systematic and efficient manner.

Performing root cause analysis is another essential step in the remediation process. This analysis helps identify the underlying reasons for the existence of vulnerabilities. By understanding the root causes, organizations can develop strategies to prevent similar vulnerabilities from occurring in the future.

After determining the root causes, the next step is applying solutions. This involves implementing recommended patches, updates, or configuration changes to address the vulnerabilities. It is important to follow best practices and industry standards while applying solutions.

Finally, verifying remediation is crucial to ensure that the vulnerabilities have been successfully addressed. This may involve re-scanning systems or conducting penetration tests to confirm that the vulnerabilities are no longer present.

By following these steps in the remediation efforts phase, organizations can effectively address vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of cyber-attacks. Prioritizing recommendations, designing an action plan, performing root cause analysis, applying solutions, and verifying remediation all contribute to a more secure and resilient organization.

Phase 5: Monitor and improve - continuous evaluation and enhancements

The fifth phase of the vulnerability management lifecycle is "Monitor and Improve." This phase focuses on continuous evaluation and enhancements to ensure the effectiveness and adaptability of the vulnerability management program over time.

Continuous monitoring

Vulnerabilities and cyber threats are constantly evolving. To stay ahead of potential risks, organizations must implement continuous monitoring of their systems, applications, and networks. Continuous monitoring involves real-time or near-real-time assessment of the security posture, helping security teams identify any new vulnerabilities or emerging threats promptly.

Automated monitoring tools play a crucial role in this phase, providing real-time insights and alerts when new vulnerabilities are discovered or when existing ones evolve. Through continuous monitoring, organizations can proactively address vulnerabilities as they arise, preventing potential exploitation by bad actors.

Regular reporting and metrics

The "Monitor and Improve" phase also involves regular reporting and metrics to track the progress and effectiveness of the vulnerability management program. Security teams should establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the success of vulnerability assessments, remediation efforts, and risk reduction over time.

These reports and metrics provide valuable insights into the organization's security posture, helping stakeholders understand the effectiveness of the vulnerability management program and identify areas for improvement. The data obtained from reporting can be used to justify resource allocation, demonstrate compliance with industry regulations, and inform future security decisions.

Feedback loop and lessons learned

In addition to regular reporting, establishing a feedback loop is essential to gather insights from different teams and stakeholders involved in the vulnerability management process. Feedback can come from IT administrators, developers, security analysts, and other relevant parties. This feedback loop allows organizations to identify challenges, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement in the vulnerability management program.

A key aspect of this feedback loop is conducting post-remediation reviews to analyze how vulnerabilities were addressed and whether the implemented solutions were effective. By analyzing lessons learned from past incidents, organizations can refine their vulnerability management strategies, optimize remediation efforts, and enhance the overall security posture.

Continuous improvement and adaptation

With the information gathered from monitoring, reporting, and feedback, organizations can implement continuous improvements to their vulnerability management program. This includes refining vulnerability scanning processes, updating risk assessments, and enhancing response plans.

As the threat landscape evolves and new attack vectors emerge, the vulnerability management program must adapt to meet these challenges effectively. Regular assessments of the program's effectiveness and its alignment with the organization's risk appetite are vital for continuous improvement.

By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation, organizations can maintain a proactive and robust vulnerability management approach. This approach ensures that security defenses remain strong and responsive to emerging cyber threats, safeguarding critical assets and business operations.

Reporting: An essential component of effective vulnerability management

In the vulnerability management lifecycle, the importance of reporting cannot be overstated. It serves as a bridge that connects the technical findings and insights from the vulnerability assessment phase to relevant stakeholders across the organization. Reporting is a powerful tool that communicates the security posture, potential risks, and remediation progress in a clear and concise manner, facilitating informed decision-making and promoting a proactive security culture.

Tailoring reports for different audiences

Reports should be carefully tailored to suit the needs of different audiences within the organization. Executives and other technology decision-makers often require high-level overviews that present key trends, potential business impacts, and overall risk exposure in an easily digestible format. These reports should focus on the strategic implications of vulnerabilities and emphasize the importance of investing in security measures to protect critical assets and maintain a competitive edge.

On the other hand, security teams need detailed and comprehensive reports that provide granular information about identified vulnerabilities. These reports should include technical details, such as vulnerability descriptions, Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) scores, affected assets, and potential attack vectors. Armed with this information, security teams can efficiently prioritize remediation efforts and apply the appropriate fixes.

Efficient remediation with clear recommendations

In addition to providing detailed technical information, effective reporting should offer clear and actionable recommendations for remediation. These recommendations may include specific steps to apply patches, update software versions, configure systems securely, or implement temporary mitigations.

Each recommendation should be supported by evidence from the vulnerability assessment phase, helping stakeholders understand the urgency and potential consequences of inaction. By providing clear instructions, reporting empowers IT teams to take prompt action in addressing vulnerabilities and strengthening the organization's security posture.

Tracking and monitoring progress

Reporting is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that involves tracking and monitoring the progress of vulnerability remediation efforts. Regular follow-up reports are essential to assess the effectiveness of applied fixes, measure risk reduction, and identify any emerging vulnerabilities.

These progress reports help stakeholders gauge the overall success of the vulnerability management program and identify areas for improvement. They also provide valuable insights for refining security strategies and adapting to the evolving threat landscape.

Building a security-driven culture

Transparency and communication are key elements in fostering a security-driven culture within the organization. Reporting vulnerabilities and their remediation progress instills a sense of accountability and ownership among employees and stakeholders. When security becomes a shared responsibility, everyone becomes more vigilant and proactive in safeguarding the organization against potential threats.

Furthermore, comprehensive reporting strengthens communication between different departments and promotes collaboration in resolving security issues. It bridges the gap between technical teams and business stakeholders, ensuring that security concerns are understood and prioritized at all levels of the organization.

Compliance and auditing requirements

Beyond internal benefits, reporting is often essential for meeting compliance and auditing requirements. Many industry regulations and standards mandate regular vulnerability assessments and reporting to demonstrate compliance with best practices and security guidelines. These reports serve as crucial documentation for regulatory audits and help organizations avoid potential fines or penalties for non-compliance.

Using 6clicks for vulnerability management

Vulnerability management is an important part of the information security program. It is a constant process that can benefit from automation. The 6clicks platform provides automates the important steps in vulnerability management and makes it easy to monitor and report the findings. For more information, check our solution page - Vulnerability Management.

6clicks helps organisations adopt a dedicated approach to information security and GRC by providing all the resources and support you need on a single platform. With automation and AI, the platform streamlines and simplifies all the activities that you undertake as part of information security and regulatory compliance. Know more about 6clicks by clicking on the button below.



Andrew Robinson

Written by Andrew Robinson

Andrew started his career in the startup world and went on to perform in cyber and information security advisory roles for the Australian Federal Government and several Victorian Government entities. Andrew has a Masters in Policing, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism (PICT) specialising in Cyber Security and holds IRAP, ISO 27001 LA, CISSP, CISM and SCF certifications.