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6clicks Enhances GRC Platform for SEC Cybersecurity...

Platform Now Helps Organizations Compile Details of Qualifying Events Centrally for Tracking, Reporting, and Complete Auditability to Ensure Full Compliance and Ease of Management

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IEC 62443 - what is it and how to comply?

ISA/IEC 62443: What is it and how to comply?

What is IEC 62443? IEC 62443 is a series of international standards that focuses on the security of industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT). With the..

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Understanding and implementing APRA CPS 230

Understanding and implementing APRA CPS 230

Overview of APRA CPS 230 APRA CPS 230, also known as the Prudential Standard CPS 230 Operational Risk Management, is a set of guidelines and requirements outlined by the..

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 Control set viewer and export updates

Control set viewer and export updates

Managing and communicating internal controls is integral to any successful business. That's why we are excited to announce our revamped control set viewer and export capability...

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 Cyber compliance across your member firm network

Cyber compliance across your member firm network

There's a fine balance you need to strike when managing the compliance needs of a global or local partnership. Like all partnerships, the balance comes when considering the need..

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 6clicks announces new and improved metrics capability

6clicks announces new and improved metrics capability

Historically, the Metrics module in 6clicks has helped customers monitor and track key GRC activities. As a result, the module has helped drive important risk and compliance..

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 Attestations enhancement: Single attestation to multiple controls

Attestations enhancement: Single attestation to multiple...

The Attestation module has had a functional uplift in the latest 6clicks product enhancement. Earlier, users would have to select each control individually for attestation. With..

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 Hub & Spoke: Helping not-for-profits manage GRC

Hub & Spoke: Helping not-for-profits manage GRC

The 6clicks Hub & Spoke model provides not-for-profits with a flexible way to run GRC programs across multi-entity networks, departments and use cases. It allows not-for-profits..

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 Navigating cyber security compliance

Navigating cyber security compliance

Introduction There are literally hundreds of standards, laws, frameworks and regulations that relate to cyber security. In most cases, there is considerable overlap with these...

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 Delivering innovation & scale for MSSPs and risk advisors

Delivering innovation & scale for MSSPs and risk advisors

Throughout 2021, we've had the opportunity to speak with over 200 leaders of risk advisory firms focused on supporting clients with challenges related to cyber, privacy, and more...

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 Still relying on spreadsheets to manage compliance?

Still relying on spreadsheets to manage compliance?

Believe it or not, we still find during our presales processes that so many of our prospects are operating their entire GRC program off spreadsheets. We compete more with Excel..

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