Thought Leadership & Blogs

Managing workflow with 6clicks projects

Written by Louis Strauss | Jun 11, 2021

As always, the team at 6clicks has been working hard on building the best risk & compliance platform.

To support this, we’ve just released our new projects module.

6clicks Projects allows you to plan and organise all of your team's work in one place via structured lists of tasks.

No more separate tools, spreadsheets or sticky notes (huzzah!).

Now, you can manage your projects in the same place you run your risk and compliance projects and engagements!



But, Why?

You and your team are busy managing the full lifecycle of risk and compliance. Staying organised and effective isn’t always easy. When you are juggling multiple team members and tasks, it can quickly get confusing and difficult to get things done.

Then add on top of that pressure - ALL of the tools! Sooo many tools...

Projects is the one place for all your tasks, files and communication.

The module seamlessly permeates through the rest of the 6clicks platform so you can easily manage your projects with the same software you use to execute them. No third-party tools or log-ins required.

You’ll save yourself hours searching for random email threads, messages, notes, documents, slides, sheets and documents.

Not to mention all the various tagged mentions on other platforms!


But, How?

For every task you set within a project, you can assign owners, set due dates and add attachments. You can even chat with your fellow project team members (projectees?...projectors?...projectifiers!) and keep sensitive and urgent conversations inside a secure platform.

You can also turn any project into a template, helping you create a repeatable process for risk and compliance projects and engagements.

Thankfully, there is no need to start from scratch if time is of the essence. Just grab a pre-populated project template from the 6clicks content library and get to work.

Enterprise teams, as well as partner teams can use our off the shelf projects. 


Example, Please.

Sure thing. One of the core use cases of 6clicks is for creating and managing an Information Security Management System in order to become ISO 27001 certified. And yes, you guessed it, we have a project for that! Our off-the-shelf ISMS Project Plan includes 8 ‘parent tasks’: 

  1. Establish the ISMS scope and context 
  2. Identify and classify information assets 
  3. Identify and assess information risks 
  4. Develop information security policies 
  5. Implement information security policies 
  6. Perform an internal audit 
  7. Prepare for and perform a management review  
  8. Undergo certification audit 

Each one of these tasks includes details and sub-tasks that you can set due dates for and assign to users. You can also upload documents and chat directly in tasks. You can then track and manage your team's progress in becoming ISO 27001 certified directly using 6clicks projects. 


More Good News for Advisors.

As a 6clicks Partner, you can create your own project templates and add them to your exclusive 6clicks marketplace for your clients to download and use.

Or, you can add them into client templates so that when you create a new client for an engagement using the client template, the project is there ready to go. All you need to do is assign it to the relevant users (advisors or client users), set some due dates and you’re off!


Talk about efficiency!


Projects can be created for any style of engagement or project, from cyber security compliance, to supply chain assessments. Projects is your blank canvas to define best practice and ensure repeatability across your organisation and in your client engagements.

If you would like to discover more about 6clicks Projects, or see it in action live, book a demo with our team below!