Thought Leadership & Blogs

Building a high performing engineering team

Written by Louis Strauss | Jun 20, 2024

Louis Strauss, the Chief Product Officer and co-founder of 6clicks, is joined by Andrew Lawrence, Chief Technology Officer, to discuss engineering excellence and the DORA metrics.

The DORA metrics, established by the DevOps Research and Assessment (later acquired by Google), are designed to pinpoint the characteristics of high-performing engineering teams. These metrics encompass deployment frequency, lead time to change, change failure rate, time to recovery, and reliability. Teams excelling in these areas frequently release new features, maintain short lead times for changes, achieve low change failure rates, and rapidly recover from failures.


00:00 - Louis Strauss, Chief Product Officer, introduces Andrew Lawrence, Chief Technology Officer to discuss engineering excellence at 6clicks

02:00 - What are DORA metrics?

06:00 - Deployment frequency and lead time to change

10:00 - Change failure rate and time to recovery

12:00 - 6clicks' performance on DORA metrics

16:00 - Automation and quality assurance

20:00 - Team building and culture

24:00 - Challenges of implementing AI

28:00 - Infrastructure and regional deployments

32:00 - Shift left strategy

36:00 - Trends and future directions in engineering

40:00 - Continuous improvement and customer expectations

At 6clicks, we are dedicated to evolving into an elite-performing team by enhancing these metrics. Our strategies include focusing on automation testing, adopting shift left methodologies, and conducting peer reviews to ensure superior quality and minimize change failure rates. We are leveraging generative AI and enhancing our infrastructure to support these objectives. Our engineering team comprises full-stack engineers and specialists in data engineering and front-end development. We highly value T-shaped engineers who possess deep expertise in specific areas and the versatility to collaborate across various domains. Our team is committed to strong problem-solving abilities, foundational engineering knowledge, and excellent communication skills.

Learn more about 6clicks.