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 Hub & Spoke: Helping not-for-profits manage GRC

Hub & Spoke: Helping not-for-profits manage GRC

The 6clicks Hub & Spoke model provides not-for-profits with a flexible way to run GRC programs across multi-entity networks, departments and use cases. It allows not-for-profits..

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 ISO 27001: A beginner’s guide

ISO 27001: A beginner’s guide

Are you looking to take on an ISO 27001 certification? Or have you chosen to build your ISMS around ISO 27001? This beginner's guide is for you. We will cover several topics..

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 10 benefits of choosing ISO 27001 for information security

10 benefits of choosing ISO 27001 for information security

The ISO 27001 information security standard has stood the test of time and continues to be a leading standard in its class. The popularity of the ISO 27001 framework speaks for..

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 The ultimate ISO 27001 checklist

The ultimate ISO 27001 checklist

What is ISO 27001? The ISO 27001 standard is a globally recognized information security management system that many businesses are required to undergo.

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 Going further with 6clicks Pixel Perfect

Going further with 6clicks Pixel Perfect

It seems as though cyber security compliance requirements are never-ending. Rightly so - there is an increasing amount at stake. At 6clicks, our mission is to make it easier for..

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 5 enterprise compliance considerations: Gaming edition

5 enterprise compliance considerations: Gaming edition

5 Enterprise compliance considerations, knowing 33% of employees are gaming and participating in sports gambling on their company PC. Online gaming is now the worlds largest..

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 How Hub & Spoke helps everyone manage risk and compliance

How Hub & Spoke helps everyone manage risk and compliance

The 6clicks Hub & Spoke model provides customers with a flexible way to run GRC programs across multi-entity organizations and use cases. It allows organizations to centralize..

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 User adoption: You have the tool & the technology. Now what?

User adoption: You have the tool & the technology. Now...

User adoption... why such an issue?? If the business had already purchased a tool (one would hope after extensive research) and has decided to drive the integration of said new..

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