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 Achieve PCI DSS compliance in 6 steps with 6clicks

Achieve PCI DSS compliance in 6 steps with 6clicks

If your business handles credit card payments, PCI DSS compliance is crucial. Discover everything you need to know about complying with the Payment Card Industry Data Security..

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 NIST cybersecurity framework: Frequently asked questions answered!

NIST cybersecurity framework: Frequently asked questions...

Every business today faces threat from cybercrime. Protecting the business and its assets from security threats in the digital world is fast becoming one of the top priorities...

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 Announcing the Next Generation Reporting and Analytics Suite

Announcing the Next Generation Reporting and Analytics...

At 6clicks, we are dedicated to innovation and automation. We mean sleep is for the weak type d-e-d-i-c-a-t-e-d. Thanks to the brilliant minds at 6clicks and our AI engine,..

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 Preparing for the age of cognitive GRC

Preparing for the age of cognitive GRC

The world has witnessed an accelerated digital transformation over the last few years. Yet, surprisingly, GRC technology adoption has been slow. Even as we talk about AI and ML..

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 The paradigm shift continues: Understanding cognitive GRC

The paradigm shift continues: Understanding cognitive GRC

Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance, or GRC as it is commonly referred to, is a term coined almost 20 years ago by research analyst firm Forrester. But until recently,..

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 6clicks launches GRC evaluation guide for advisors and MSPs

6clicks launches GRC evaluation guide for advisors and...

6clicks has developed the most comprehensive guide and checklist to help advisors and MSPs evaluate the available GRC software solutions. This guide is designed to help you choose..

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 Addressing the cybersecurity and GRC gaps for organizations

Addressing the cybersecurity and GRC gaps for...

GRC implementations are on the rise with the global GRC market projected to reach USD 1881.9 million by 2028. But even as more and more businesses attempt to implement GRC, are..

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 Why is data storytelling effective?

Why is data storytelling effective?

Data is important, but is it enough in itself? Data gets value when it is used effectively. Data storytelling is an effective way to explain data-led concepts and get data-backed..

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 Hub & Spoke: Enabling multi-tenant GRC programs and GRCaaS

Hub & Spoke: Enabling multi-tenant GRC programs and GRCaaS

Effective GRC is an essential part of running a business. Yet, running an enterprise-level GRC program is a complex and challenging task that many organisations struggle with...

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 GRC for MSPs: How to leverage the 6clicks platform?

GRC for MSPs: How to leverage the 6clicks platform?

Security and compliance go hand in hand in today’s world. You can no longer focus on one and hope that the other automatically aligns. This is why the number of companies looking..

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 Powerful automation for scalable and future-ready MSPs

Powerful automation for scalable and future-ready MSPs

Managing GRC is complex, which is why many organisations outsource GRC management to Managed Service Providers (MSPs). But even for MSPs, managing GRCs for multiple clients is no..

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 Setting the information security policy for ISO 27001

Setting the information security policy for ISO 27001

The Information Security policy is an important and mandatory document for ISO 27001 implementation. Several organisations struggle with creating a useful information security..

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