Thought Leadership & Blogs

All about PCI compliance & reporting | 6clicks Blog

Written by Heather Buker | Oct 13, 2021

PCI compliance got you down? Struggling to get started? Maintain? Still working out of spreadsheets?

6clicks is here to help.


What is PCI DSS?

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) was developed to encourage and enhance cardholder data security and facilitate the broad adoption of consistent data security measures globally. PCI DSS provides a baseline of technical and operational requirements designed to protect account data.

Who has to comply with PCI DSS?

PCI DSS applies to all entities involved in payment card processing including merchants, processors, acquirers, issuers, and service providers. PCI DSS also applies to all other entities that store, process, or transmit cardholder data (CHD) and/or sensitive authentication data (SAD).

How do organizations become PCI DSS compliant?

There are three main steps when required organizations start down the path of PCI DSS compliance:


Step 1: Assess

Assess your systems, clients, or entities, as required by the Security Standards Council, against the latest PCI DSS standard. Organizations with more complex business structures or advisors with a multitude of clients can complete this assessment down to the entity level by leveraging the 6clicks Hub and Spoke model.

Step 2: Remediate

Using the 6clicks platform, manage, action, and maintain issues and risks identified in your PCI DSS assessment through the entire remediation lifecycle. Any issue or risk activity managed or actioned in the system links directly to the original assessment task, enabling organizations to maintain a holistic audit trail.

Step 3: Report

Once an organization completes the PCI DSS audit assessment and creates and actions on required remediation activities, it's time to report. Using the 6clicks Pixel Perfect reporting capabilities, organizations can automatically generate a delivery-ready Report on Compliance (ROC) based on their PCI DSS assessment. The ready-to-populate ROC template is included with the PCI DSS in-app marketplace download.

For more information on getting started with the PCI DSS compliance from the Security Standards Council, click here.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry - that's what 6clicks is here for. You'll want to keep reading.

How can 6clicks help?

Well, we're glad you asked.

Leveraging 6clicks, organizations can quickly and efficiently obtain and maintain their PCI DSS compliance. At 6clicks, we help organizations distribute and collect evidence for their assessments, track issues through a remediation lifecycle, and create their Report on Compliance (ROC) with a single click.

Here's how...


With the 6clicks platform, organizations can assess all required systems and entities against the 12 PCI DSS requirements in a single pane of glass. Admins can download the PCI DSS template straight from the 6clicks in-app marketplace, send it out to their respondents, and collect the results and evidence directly in the application.


We know it's important to collect supporting information when assessing against standards and frameworks, like PCI. That's why we give organizations the ability to collect attachments and explanations as evidence for every control to support its current implementation status.


Once your respondent(s) submits their PCI assessment, 6clicks can give you an immediate view into the potential risk to your organization:


Ready to take care of those medium and high-risk potential controls? No problem. Just create an issue or a risk directly from your assessment results in 6clicks and track the remediation item through a full workflow - from cradle to grave - while maintaining a link back to the original assessment task.

That's the kind of audit trail we like to see! 👏


This is the really fun part. 

Using 6clicks Pixel Perfect™ reporting functionality in the GRC Analytics & Reporting suite, 6clicks will generate your PCI ROC and populate the results of your assessment automatically when you're ready.

That's right. We said a-u-t-o-m-a-t-i-c-a-l-l-y. 🎉


Check it out:


That's not all. 6clicks delivers on custom assessment reports, metrics, and charts to satisfy your every bespoke reporting need. From the external auditor to the executive board, we've got you covered. 

Ready to learn more about how 6clicks can enable your organization's PCI DSS compliance and reporting requirements? Easy, just click the button below and let the good times roll.

All we want to do, every day, is make the world of GRC easier to manage. We can't do that without you, so we hope to hear from you real soon!