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6clicks announces new and improved metrics capability

Louis Strauss |

August 24, 2022
6clicks announces new and improved metrics capability

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6clicks announces new and improved metrics capability


Historically, the Metrics module in 6clicks has helped customers monitor and track key GRC activities. As a result, the module has helped drive important risk and compliance decisions. For example, customers have used metrics to create key risk indicators and track them for a more effective risk management program. 

Now, it has undergone a transformation to be even more useful. The new and improved version of metrics lets you create and define your custom metrics and track them over a period of time - dynamically.

Derive your own metric directly from 6clicks

Organizations can now create and edit meaningful metrics derived from data already in 6clicks. It personalises tracking for your specific requirements bringing more value to the metrics module. For example, now instead of just tracking the number of risks, you can create custom metrics such as tracking a count of cybersecurity risks with a high-risk rating. This gives organizations more freedom to track data trends within and outside 6clicks.

How to create and track your metrics?

Even though the new metrics module is more advanced than ever before, using it is still quite easy. All you need is to create a new metric in the new Metrics module and give it a suitable name. Next, assign owners to the metric. By default, the user creating the metric is the metric owner, but you can add more owners, too. You will also need to mention the 'source' of the data for tracking the metric.

Next, you can define the scope conditions of the metric. Taking the example of using risks to create and configure a metric, here’s how you can set conditions to customise the metric tracking:

Creating metrics

As you can see above, defining a new metric is not complicated at all! So in this example, the metric is cybersecurity risks that are rated as 'very high'.  If you look at the top right corner, you will see that the value, in this case, is '13'. This means there are 13 cybersecurity risks that are rated as very high.

On the right side, the formula used is 'Total count'. From the drop-down, you can also select sum, average, or percentage.

Once you create a metric, you can track it over time on a chart as shown below.

Tracking metric

As a lot of data is transient, whenever there is any update to the data and a matric meets the metric conditions you have created, it will show up in the chart ensuring dynamic tracking at all times.

Read more about creating and tracking custom metrics in the new module in the 6clicks knowledgebase

Watch a video that explains how the new metrics module can be used.


Louis Strauss

Written by Louis Strauss

Louis is the Co-founder and Chief Product Marketing Officer (CPMO) at 6clicks, where he spearheads collaboration among product, marketing, engineering, and sales teams. With a deep-seated passion for innovation, Louis drives the development of elegant AI-powered solutions tailored to address the intricate challenges CISOs, InfoSec teams, and GRC professionals face. Beyond cyber GRC, Louis enjoys reading and spending time with his friends and family.